Prática Profissionalizante

The Prática Profissionalizante aims at improving the performance of the professional activity. Destined to healthcare professionals who want to encrease their knowledge in a specific area, with a recycling system, in order to get a specific and defined improvement, destined and applied in a professional job of personal nature or in a university institutional activity.

Programa de atualização
The Programa de Atualização aims at developing knowledge or technique in a specific area or discipline and it is designed for the general public, without a minimum education requirement.

The Residência aims at deepening scientific knowledge and technical expertise through on-the-job training. The residency in the healthcare field, which was created following the publication of the Law No 11.129, in 2005, is a category of lato sensu post-graduation course, with a minimum course load of 5760 hours, oriented by the principles and guidelines of the Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), based on local and regional needs and realities, and it includes healthcare professions, such as: Biomedicine, Biological Sciences, Physical Education, Nursing, Pharmacy, Phisiotherapy, Speech Therapy, Veterinary Medicine, Nutrition, Odontology, Psicology, Social Work, Occupational Therapy and Medical Physics.
The residency can be:

Multiprofissional – the program is composed by at least three healthcare professions and as a Residency in the Professional Healthcare Field.
Uniprofissional – the program is composed by one healthcare profession, according to the Resolution CNRMS No. 02, from 2012.

As of December 2, 2019, a new amendment for the regulation concerning USP extension courses has come into effect, including policies for free of charge courses. Learn more.

Resolução CoCEx nº 6.629/2013 – Regulamenta as atividades de Residência, Prática Profissionalizante e Programa de Atualização de Extensão Universitária da Universidade de São Paulo e dá outras providências

Deliberação EEFERP nº 07/2014 - Disciplina a realização de Prática Profissionalizante e Programa de Atualização no âmbito da Escola de Educação Física e Esporte de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo – EEFERP/USP

Resolução CoCEx nº 6.276/2012 – Baixa o Regimento da Comissão de Residência Multiprofissional da Universidade de São Paulo (COREMU-USP) – alterada pelas Resoluções CoCEx nº 6.630/2013 e CoCEx n º 7.115/2015