Graduate Degree Profile

It is expected that PPGEFE graduate students will be able to produce knowledge, both specific in the area of Physical Education and Sport, as well as in other related areas of knowledge.

It is also hoped that this student will contribute to the understanding and improvement of the quality of life of the local community and other regions, both in nationally and internationally terms (according to the characteristics of the student’s research project), through physical exercise, and also, in the search for better sports performance, whether in the field of management, promotion, maintenance, or in the orientation of sports practice.

PPGEFE graduate students should be able to produce research of excellent quality, articulated with other areas of knowledge and that show depth to serve society, and above all, solve problems and contribute to the improvement of the area, in addition to exercising professional leadership.

It is also expected that they will be able to teach in higher education, independently and critically, contributing to an excellent training of future professionals and researchers in the area.

They must have initiative, becoming able to analyze new research and relate it to their vision and their approach on the topic of analysis.