Activities Report

Students that was registered from 2020 onwards must, according to the Program's norms listed below, submit the Academic Activities Report annually.

The deadline for submission in 2023: November 24th, 2023 (approved at the 69th session of the CPG).


IX.1 Students will be evaluated annually through an activity report, which must be submitted by the student according to the schedule established by the CCP, disclosed by the secretary and published in the Graduate Program's website.

IX.2 The report must contain an abstract of the student's research project, description of the activities carried out and the fulfillment of planned goals, and planning or re-planning of future activities. It should also be accompanied by an evaluation, by the advisor, of the student's academic and scientific performance.

IX.3 The student who has his report rejected must arrange for the submission of a new report within a maximum period of 30 (thirty) days, counted from the date of publication of the result of the evaluation, by the Secretary of the Program.

IX.4 In addition to the rules established in the USP Graduate Regulations, the student may be dismissed from the Graduate Program if one of the following situations occurs:

a) rejection of the annual activity report twice consecutively;

b) the annual report is not delivered until the deadline specified in the annual calendar, published by the Graduate Program Office and in the Program's website.

Form approved at the 50th CPG meeting, on February 2nd, 2020.