Graduate Comission - Members

The Program Coordinating Committees (CCP) have the function of analyzing, indicating, judging, and giving opinions on all matters pertaining to the Program - Physical Education and Sport at EEFERP/USP.
However, according to RESOLUTION CoPGr 7866, of November 25th, 2019, at EEFERP, "The Program Coordinating Committee (CCP) will be the Graduate Committee (CPG) itself. The President of the CPG will assume the position of program coordinator and the Vice-President of the CPG will be their alternate in the coordination". In this way, the CPG accumulates both functions.

School of Physical Education and Sport of Ribeirão Preto

Graduate Commission (CPG)

President of the Graduate Commission (CPG)
Prof. Assoc. Renato Francisco Rodrigues Marques

Vice-President of the Graduate Commission (CPG)
Prof. Assoc. Enrico Fuini Puggina

Teaching Representative
Prof. Assoc. Ellen Cristini de Freitas
  Prof. Assoc. Adelino Sanchez Ramos da Silva
Prof. Assoc. Enrico Fuini Puggina
  Prof. Dr. Átila Alexandre Trapé
Prof. Tit. Marcelo Papoti
  Prof. Dr. Matheus Machado Gomes
Prof. Tit. Myrian Nunomura
  Prof. Assoc. Dalmo Roberto Lopes Machado

Student Representative
Joicy Ferreira da Silva