Special Students

Read Section IX of the USP Graduate Regulations, about special students: RESOLUTION No. 7493, OF MARCH 27th, 2018

Also, according to RESOLUTION CoPGr 7865, of November 25, 2019:

II.1 In the selection process, the maximum registration fee established by the USP CoPGr is charged.
II.1.1 There will be no refund of amounts paid.

II.2 The amount of the registration fee, per course, for special students will be the maximum registration fee established by the USP CoPGr.
II.2.1 The amount paid will only be refunded if registration be rejected or the course be canceled.

 For registration of a Special Student in the EEFERP Graduate Program

Access our list of courses offered in the semester.

Those interested in participating as a Special Student should check whether the chosen course offers vacancies in the Janus system.

After verifying the existence of vacancies, the candidate must fill out the registration form and get in touch with the teacher of the course for acceptance of the registration.

Required documents:


“Pre-registration Request – Special Student” form, completed and signed by the interested party and the teacher responsible for the course;

Original and copy of RG and CPF or National Migratory Registry (RNM, former RNE)

Original and copy ofundergraduate degree diploma or declaration of undergraduate course conclusion with graduation date specified (issued by the university’s student administration, registrar or corresponding office)

• Acceptance from the course teacher (signature in the form)

• Proof of payment for the registration fee, in the amount of R$214.00, per course.

The documents must be submitted in person by the applicant or by another person by a power of attorney at the program office.

Location: EEFERP Graduate Service, Block II, Ground Floor
Time of working: 8:00 am to 11:00 am and 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
