About The Graduate Program

Graduate Program - Physical Education and Sport

The stricto sensu Graduate program at the School of Physical Education and Sport of Ribeirão Preto at the University of São Paulo (EEFERP-USP) was approved by CAPES on June 25th, 2015 and has a Master's degree program in Physical Education and Sport.

Its aim is to educate students who are capable of contributing to society, in a critical and grounded way, whether in the production of new knowledge, services, or problems solving.

Area of Concentration:

Physical Activity and Sport

Research Themes:

Pedagogical and sociocultural issues of sport

- Focus on pedagogical and sociocultural dimensions involved in the development of the sports career of athletes, coaches, and consumers.

Biodynamic issues of physical activity and sport

- Focus on the effects of human movement and animal model on physiological, metabolic, molecular, and neuromotor issues in the context of Physical Activity and performance.

Graduate Service
Responsible: Carla Cristina Ostanel
E-mail: cpg90@usp.br
Telephone: +55 (16) 3315-0336